Petronas F1 Inspired AMG GTS


From Inspiration to Innovation

This project transcends showcasing mere wrap possibilities; it embodies the collaborative spirit of Auto Artisan, pushing creative boundaries and defying expectations. Inspired by their candy red-to-black fade wrapped Lamborghini Aventador, the team sought to elevate the concept, injecting their signature “Artisan” flair into a Mercedes-AMG GTS Edition 1.

Breaking Conventional Borders

Their ambition wasn’t limited to mimicking the previous fade design; they craved bolder expression. Brainstorming various fade options, including front-to-back, top-to-bottom, and diagonal, they ultimately selected the front-to-back approach as the most suitable for the sleek lines of the AMG GTS.

Colour Conundrum and Unconventional Choices

Choosing the perfect colour palette presented another exciting challenge. After experimenting with various purple tones, the team ventured into the realm of green, initially considering the iconic AMG GTR green. However, their desire for originality led them to explore further. When the vibrant teal hue emerged, its unconventional yet captivating allure captured everyone’s attention. This bold departure from common car colours cemented its place as the centrepiece of the design.

Petronas Inspiration and Beyond

The chosen teal resonated so deeply with the team that they envisioned incorporating the renowned Petronas F1 stripe colour, found on the wings of Formula One cars. This inspiration sparked a complete paradigm shift, leading them to reimagine the entire design as a vibrant.


Merging Inspiration with Innovation

The W11 Mercedes-AMG Formula One car, emblazoned with the iconic Petronas colours, served as the guiding light for this project. This wasn’t mere imitation; it was a creative symphony driven by passion and the desire to push boundaries.

Unveiling the Design Elements

Reversed Fade: Defying convention, the team opted for a fade that transitioned in the opposite direction compared to the F1 car.

Prominent Colour Scheme: While drawing inspiration from the stripe design, the team reimagined it with bolder application, amplifying its visual impact.

Embossed Stars: Not mere printed stars, but crafted 3D elements adorned the car’s rear, adding a touch of dimension and texture.

Bonnet Stars with a Twist: To maintain originality, the bonnet stars received a unique design treatment, showcasing Auto Artisan’s creative spirit.

Reverse Fade Stripe: A mirrored version of the main fade stripe flowed across the car, further emphasising the unconventional approach.

Reflective Brilliance: The entire wrap boasted a reflective finish, ensuring the car commanded attention both day and night.

From Dream to Collaboration

Pouring their hearts and souls into the design, the team never anticipated the serendipitous opportunity to collaborate with Petronas Australia. With the design nearing completion, they boldly reached out, and to their delight, secured a meeting within two days.

Partnership Takes Shape

Petronas generously provided their “Synthium” lubricant range and other branded materials, allowing Auto Artisan to accurately match the exact shade of Petronas teal for the wrap. This marked the beginning of an exciting collaboration.

Visualising Perfection

Initial design drafts were purely internal and served as starting points. However, upon securing the partnership, the team crafted high-quality 3D renders. These renders, showcased below, offered a near-photorealistic preview of the car in its final glory, excluding any additional sponsor logos.



Material Choice and Proven Performance

The project relied on Arlon IllumiNITE, a trusted material due to its previous success on the Huracana Grande project. Its consistent vibrancy, both day and night, ensured the design would shine under any lighting conditions. The vibrant Petronas teal further amplified the contrast, creating a visually striking appearance.

Strategic Partnerships

The project was bolstered by strong collaborations. Driving Solutions provided valuable track and skid pan time, their expertise ensuring a seamless event experience. Meguiar’s Australia, recognised for their premium car care products, showcased their “For the Road” and “For the Track” lines, appealing to the enthusiast spirit within the team.

Precision Through Testing

Rigorous test prints were conducted to ensure perfect scale and colour reproduction. This meticulous approach was crucial given the complex, non-standard fade design and the importance of matching the specific Petronas teal shade.

F1-Inspired Installation

The installation process transformed the workshop into a mini–Formula One pit-stop. With 4 hours allotted, the team dismantled the car, applied the multi-layered wrap, and reassembled it.

The Reveal

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